What happens if fleas go untreated on dogs

If fleas on dogs go untreated, they can cause a variety of problems. Flea bites are itchy, irritating, and can cause skin allergies in some pets. This can lead to chronic scratching and biting of the skin which leads to hair loss, hot spots, and secondary bacterial infections. It can also spread other parasites such as tapeworms as fleas often carry tapeworm larvae. Fleas reproduce quickly and multiply incredibly fast, so allowing an infestation to build can be hard to contain and get rid of. Unchecked flea populations have been known to increase into the thousands if left alone for too long.

Regular flea treatments help protect your pet from these risks and keep them healthy. If you are struggling with an existing flea infestation, then you should seek professional help from a vet or pest control specialist who will provide the best advice for your pet’s well-being. They may recommend specialized products or even special grooming techniques in order to eliminate all traces of life from fleas on dogs as quickly as possible!


Fleas are a common problem among dogs, but if left untreated the consequences can be severe. Fleas transmit diseases, cause allergic reactions and may even lead to hair loss or anemia in your pet. Fortunately, prevention and treatment for fleas is relatively easy, so there’s no reason to neglect your pup when it comes to proper flea care.

Fleas feed on the blood of host creatures like dogs, cats or humans and live in both inside and outside settings. Adult fleas can lay eggs which will hatch within two days of being laid; and larvae develop over two weeks before they become adult fleas ready to bite their host again. So even if seresto collar cat you don’t see any adult fleas jumping around on your pup’s fur – there may be eggs hidden in carpets or furniture that can hatch at any time.

That’s why it’s best to take preventive measures such as regular bathing with a shampoo specifically designed to kill adult fleas along with usingSprays, powders or shampoos that contain insecticides that target the rest of the life cycle of a flea are also effective ways to eliminate these parasites from your dog.

The Effects of Fleas on Dogs

The effects of fleas on dogs can be severe if left untreated. Fleas induce intense itching and discomfort in dogs. This itching can cause lesions from scratching, causing the dog further pain, stress, and irritation. Excessive scratching may even lead to hair loss in affected areas of the dog’s body.

More seriously, if left untreated, fleas may transmit tapeworms to your dog. Tapeworms contain larvae that migrate through the small intestine, stealing nutrients from your pet’s food before it can be fully absorbed by their bodies. These parasites reproduce quickly and slowly diminish your pet’s protective qualities; they become more prone to diseases and infections as their immune system weakens.

Finally, flea infestations might result in anemia due to heavy blood loss if there is an abundance of bites on the animal or a large number of worms present in the intestines. Symptoms include tiredness, listlessness and pale skin gums which can be fatal in extreme cases without proper treatment for fleas.

Skin Irritations and Allergic Reactions

If fleas go untreated on dogs, the fleas can cause skin irritations and allergic reactions. This is because fleas feed on blood and will sometimes bite the dog’s skin, causing redness and inflammation. Additionally, the saliva of a flea can cause an allergic reaction in some dogs called Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD), which includes intense itching and loss of fur from excessive scratching and biting of affected areas.

In extreme cases, prolonged infestations may lead to various secondary infectious diseases such as bacterial dermatitis, ear infections, hot spots, or anaemia due to severe blood loss caused by heavy infestations. Without proper treatment these serious complications can be fatal for your pet. It’s important to seek professional medical help right away if you suspect that there may be a problem related to excessive or untreated flea infestations.

Risk of Anemia

One of the major risks associated with fleas that go untreated on dogs is anemia. Fleas can cause severe blood loss in dogs and anemia occurs when the dog’s red blood cells are reduced to dangerously low levels. When this happens, the dog will become lethargic and display signs of weakness. The dog may also have pale gums, rapid heart beat, respiratory problems and can even collapse due to lack of oxygen going through its system.

Without treatment, flea-infested dogs could eventually suffer from organ failure. Fleas tend to live on the skin surface where they digest large amounts of blood from their host during every bite, so if there’s a large infestation it can happen quickly. It’s important for pet owners to make sure their animals are treated for fleas regularly as part of a preventative routine. This can help protect them from developing anemia or other health problems caused by a flea infestation.

Transmission of Diseases to Humans and Other Pets

If fleas go untreated on dogs, they can spread diseases to both humans and other pets. One of the biggest threats flea infestations pose is the transmission of parasites from dogs to humans. This can be extremely harmful, as certain parasites can cause severe illness in humans, including heartworm disease.

As for other pets, flea infestations can be particularly dangerous for cats and other small mammals such as rabbits or ferrets. Smaller animals are more susceptible to the toxins released by these pests, so it’s important to ensure that all pets in your home are treated for fleas at the same time in order to prevent an infestation from growing out of control.

Ultimately, if left untreated, fleas have the potential to cause a lot of harm. Not only will they cause discomfort through itching and scratching for both people and pets alike, but they also have the capability of transmitting serious diseases. Therefore, treating fleas as soon as possible is essential in order to protect both humans and their pet companions!